w.cx is Rocco’s blog.

Welcome to my new blog! 欢迎来到我的新博客!

Posted on Jan 12, 2024

After many days of relentless efforts, the new blog is finally online!

While maintaining the previous blog, I experimented with generating all blog pages as static files and uploading them to the IPFS system to enable access via IPFS. Later, after researching Web3 for a while, I became more eager to have a completely static blog like this, especially since static blogs can be deployed directly to IPFS networks, Github.io, Cloudflare Pages, and many other hosting providers without the need to run and maintain servers, greatly reducing maintenance costs and possibly achieving “perpetual” existence. So I took action!

If you access this site through Web2, it’s hosted on Cloudflare Pages using Hugo to build the entire site as static pages. By hosting the code on Github and having Cloudflare Pages automatically build the entire static site, I only need to write Markdown-formatted documents on my computer, submit them to Github, and they will be automatically rebuilt and displayed on the webpage! Once I’m satisfied with the blog style and other aspects, I’ll also try to automatically submit it to the IPFS network, and then we’ll be able to meet on Web3, and perhaps this blog can even “perpetuate”!


高中之前甚至早到初中的时候就搭建过许许多多个博客,用过各种博客程序:Emlog、Wordpress等等,当时作为一个财力与时间都寥寥无几的穷学生(记得最早的时候玩电脑都要去邻居朋友家蹭),基本上搭建不了多少天就倒掉了。直到高中快毕业的时候弄过一个博客SillyLi's Blog,用的是Wordpress坚持维护了好多年。虽然大学毕业后就没怎么更新,但是网站一直还在,还会时不时的上去更新维护一下,把Wordpress更新到最新版本、处理一下留言等等。直到后来迁了户口,又因为某一天备案商抽查网站备案电话没有接听,就被要求整改备案,因为后来又改了好多次“网名”不想再用这个域名了和由于旧备案省份河南要求备案主体是河南省居民(户籍或居住证),户口转了省以后如果想要新增域名、变更备案也不确定在河南是否还能通过,索性就直接注销了整个备案主体,此博客也就随之关闭。

在维护上一个博客的时候就有做过把博客所有页面生成为静态文件上传到IPFS系统上面实现用IPFS访问的功能,后来研究过一阵Web3就更想要拥有一个这样全静态的博客了,加上静态博客可以直接部署到IPFS网络、Github.io、Cloudflare Pages等其他众多托管商上面完全不需要自己运行维护服务器,大大减少了维护成本甚至有可能做到“永存”,果断下手!

如果您通过Web2访问本站那是由Cloudflare Pages使用Hugo构建的全站静态页面。通过代码托管到Github再由Cloudflare Pages自动构建全静态页面的组合,我每次只用在电脑上写好Markdown格式的文档,提交到Github后即可自动重新构建并呈现在网页上!等到博客样式等等被我调整满意之后我也会尝试让其自动提交到IPFS网络到时候就能在Web3相见啦,也或许能够让本博客“永存”!